I must confess, I don't hold the title of a culinary virtuoso, and it's no wonder why. My upbringing shielded me from the kitchen until I reached adulthood. Even then, as a young adult, I relied heavily on the convenience of student cafeterias. Later, I found myself employed in a hotel, granting me unlimited access to the kitchen, further perpetuating my culinary laziness.
Upon relocating to Austria, I "acquired" a housemate with exceptional culinary skills. Oh, the marvels he prepares! His cooking skillfulness transcends ordinary dining experiences, whisking me away on sensory adventures. On our second date, he treated me to a lavish three-course meal, complete with a homemade cake. How could I resist such decadence? Once again, I found myself lost in indulgence and pampering. Regrettably, my own culinary ventures are sporadic at best. In the absence of someone attending to my needs, my diet revolves around an assortment of tuna sandwiches and frozen pizzas. Rice, of course, remains a steadfast staple; I have even been accused of being seen having Pringles for breakfast.
But seriously, have you ever tried the Salt&Vinegar flavored chips? Anyhow, now that I am home alone, what would you challenge me to cook? 👀