I had almost forgotten about this and if it weren't for a Romanian blog post that I read today, I would have kept this "incident" to myself.
The post was about a Romanian's experience in Austria during these days of apocalyptic weather. There were massive floods here...like in many other European countries. Long story short, this guy's (or his family's) house was affected by the flooding and he was unhappy with the Austrian government (lack of) involvement in this overall situation. This brought to light other issues/disappointments that he might have living here.
Now, don't get me wrong, life in Austria is not perfect, it's not all flowers and rainbows, their politics is also tainted, their roads also have potholes. But I'd rather focus on the good stuff.
I'd rather focus on the incredibly nice situations, like the one that happened to me last week.
Who knows me for longer might remember my stories about "degetele reumatice" - the rheumatic fingers. For the past 7-8 months, I changed the treatment. Instead of tablets, I do...injections. One every two weeks. That means I go once a month to the village pharmacy to get them. As they need to be prepared, I usually go 2-3 days before the due date to order them. Every single month.
In the past 3 months, I noticed that whenever I went to order them, they already had a box in stock. Which was weird, because I doubt too many people get it, as they are only prescribed for a particular reason (and I tick the box for it). As usual, I went to the pharmacy last week, a bit stressed, because it was right on the day when I was supposed to do one, which means I would have had to take it at least a couple of days late. Surprise! They had it already. And the pharmacist then told me that they noticed I come regularly, there's also the note on the prescription (all prescriptions are on the E-card) about the interval, so they just went ahead and ordered it for me.
Now how can I not be grateful to this country??!! Wherever you might be, when was the last time your local pharmacy/hospital/doctor/teacher, you name it, did something proactively for you?
I rest my case.