Do you think we would have become friends if Covid hadn't happened? Or if I hadn’t joined the Seniors’ team? That’s what I wanted to ask her the other day, as we walked side by side after dinner. But I didn’t—because we rarely say what we truly feel until the people we care about are no longer around. Dear friend, I hope we keep in touch. Who knows, I might hop on the S2 train now and then, just to remember how it all began. Just kidding—I have a car now. :)
Looking back, the pandemic might have been a blessing in disguise for me.
Someone recently told me a story—a love story. Can you believe there are still people out there who remember the little things their loved ones liked, even five years later? At the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want? Someone who remembers?
It’s that time of year when I find myself rewatching Friends again.